About The Colleges

Lancaster University consists of nine colleges, each with its own identity and a group of elected students which are part of the students' union.


These elected students in the eight undergraduate colleges are called the Junior Common Room Executive or JCR and in Graduate College they are known as the Postgraduate Board, or PG Board.


The roles of these elected officers are to represent all college students, on and off campus, and run college-based welfare and academic campaigns, social and sports events and represent you on the larger university political issues.


Junior Common Rooms (undergraduate colleges)

Within each JCR there is generally a President, two Vice-Presidents (one with a welfare remit and one with a socials or communications remit), Social Secretaries, Welfare Officer, Academic Officer, Sports Representatives, International Students Officer, Communications Officers and Finance Office/Treasurer. These roles vary slightly from college to college.


Postgraduate Board (Graduate College)

The Postgraduate Board or PG Board has a different structure to suit the different needs postgraduate students have. On the PG Board there is a Chair, Treasurer, Events Officer, Media and Communications Officer, Welfare Officer, Academic Officer, General Secretary, Sports Officer and PG Board members without portfolio which must include two postgraduate taught students, two postgraduate research students, one part-time student and one international student.