Student media

Fancy a career in media or just feel like getting involved in some amazing projects? We've got three vibrant student media teams - a newspaper, radio station and TV station - as well as our very own student-run cinema.

Our media teams offer the opportunity to take on all sorts of roles, including writing, design, photography, TV and radio production, presenting and more.

Our student newspaper, SCAN, comes out in print fortnightly in term-time and has a website too. LA1:TV provides opportunities to apear in front of the camera or to work behind the scenes. And Bailrigg FM broadcasts online and over the airwaves, giving students chance to present and plan shows and work on the technical and managerial aspects of running a radio station.

Take 2 Cinema shows the latest films and is fully equipped with a 3D projector. Get involved in all aspects of running a cinema, from selling popcorn to running the projector!